MyVest sponsored the Strategy & Partners track at IN|VEST 2016, where attendees heard from the leaders of Aspiration & Radius Bank, BBVA Compass & FutureAdvisor, SigFig & UBS, SoFi, Stash, Daily Worth, Capital One Investing + more.

The overall theme of the track was how leading firms’ are developing their long-term digital wealth strategies and when potential partnerships may or may not help them achieve these new objectives.

Highlights of the Strategy & Partners track:

UBS partnered with SigFig to develop digital advice tools,. covered in Financial Planning magazine – At heart of deal with UBS: SigFig’s independence

Capital One Investing launching their new hybrid robo-advisor Advisor Connect, covered in Financial Planning magazine – With robo launch, Capital One aims to hit clients’ sweet spot

Our own panel on “Say No to Robo, Say Yes to Digital Wealth” with panelists Eric Lordi of Morgan Stanley, Charles Smith of EY, Roger Alt of AssetMark, and Mike Everett of MyVest, featured in this SlideShare